Our Mision

The Fountain of Life Churches, International exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ around the world, to plant, equip and empower local congregations to become capable witnesses in their communities through God’s Word and genuine cultural engagement through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.


We are establishing new churches and ministries all over the world, making the Gospel of Jesus Christ accesible to even the most remote places and people.


We are training church leaders to maxamize their potential and to be ``Kingdom Minded`` in oder to more effectively spread the Gospel and make Disciples.


We are creating opportunies for our congregants to develop their God-given gifts and learn new skills, allowing them to grow spirtually, socially, and financially.

The National Executive Council (NEC)

Meet the Fountain of Life Churches International Leaders’ Council

Bsp. Dr. Armstrong K. Cheggeh

Presiding Bishop, FOLC International

Bsp. Samuel Ntinina

Kajiado Diocese, FOLC International

Bsp. Dr. Solomon Waweru

Bishop, FOLC International

Pastor Moïse Zirhumana Bashugi

Administrator FOLC International - DRC

Bishop Njau Gichira

Nairobi Central Diocese, FOLC International

Bishop James Kinyanjui

Mt. Kenya Central Diocese, FOLC International

Rev Joseph Kamau

Education Director, FOLC International

Rev Peter Mbede

National Youth Director, FOLC International

Rev Rhodah Cheggeh

Bethany Ladies Fellowship Matron, FOLC International

Rev Elizabeth Gichira

National Director, Bethany Ladies Fellowship, FOLC International

Rev Ann Githinji

National Director, Children Church, FOLC International

Our Vision

Fountain Of Life Churches International is a vibrant, healthy and God centred Church for advancing biblical values.

“Whoever is generous
to the poor lends to the lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.”

Proverbs 19:17



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